





Disclaimer: this transcript was mechanically transcribed and the author has done her best to make certain grammatical corrections and ensure that it makes sense.  The true version is in the video. What follows below is slightly modified to help the reader make sense of the content. Please respect that spoken language often transcribes with confusion and some doubling up. Regardless, enjoy.

For the purpose of ease of conversation, this transcript is not coded with who said what. Rather the benefit lies in the conversation.  For the purpose of accuracy please refer to the you tube video.


Well hello and a warm welcome to today’s listeners. Allow me to introduce myself as the host of Today’s episode. My name is Amanda Dounis. I am the founder of the positive thinking clinic located in Wolli Creek Sydney. 

Here are the positive thinking clinic, I see clients of all ages. I see individuals couples families and small groups. I conduct psychotherapy and I use a variety of modalities delivered through counselling techniques and hypnotherapy. 

I’m a professional counsellor, clinical hypnotherapist, strategic psychotherapist, early childhood teacher, and MLP master practitioner. 

To learn more about what I do and what I offer, visit my website on www.positivethinkingclinic.com.au. The easiest way to connect with me on social media is to search my name Amanda Dounis or my clinic name Positive thinking clinic. 

You may also access my social media at the bottom of my website. I’m the author of my coping skills handbook aimed at kids aged 8 through to 14 years of age and I’ve also turned this into an online course.

I have a range of podcasts that can be found on Amandadounis.podbean.com 

In addition to the Positive Thinking Clinic, I am the owner of four early learning centers. I’m passionate about quality care and emotional wellness of all ages. I believe we set the foundation for emotional wellness from a very young age. My early learning centers are licensed as Positive Living Skills services. 

I also have an emotional wellness & kids group on Facebook. One of my greatest hobbies is that I think I’m always involved in a variety of courses no matter how small. I enjoy adding to my skill set as an integrated therapist. 

I learn diverse skills and I select the best fit for any situation. If you wonder if I have any other hobbies I’m also into fitness. I’ve run a number of marathons including two ultra marathons. So that’s me in a nutshell. 

If you wanted to get in touch you can use the contact form on my website.


I would love to hear from you signing out and moving forward. 

You’re listening to Amanda Dounis.

Today we have George Pearce joining us. George Pegios is the founder of help my pain in Double Bay. 

His main interest is hypnosis for medical pain. He’s done a diploma in hypnotherapy. He’s a strategic psychotherapist and a Master NLP Practitioner. 

If you want to find out more about George Pegios visit www.helpmypain.com.au. 

He’s very interested in pain management, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia. He’s also interested in writing and publishing. You can contact George through the website.

You can also be part of his social media finding him through help my pain on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube. 

George also studied at Sydney University during his dental degree. He has since then done some consultant work, has developed consumer products, and has a variety of other interests.

He loves the outdoors. He loves golf, scuba diving, and has also lived in Bali for two years. He was always interested in hypnosis. First he started with the NLP course and then realized that his lecturer Gordon Young also offered Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy. 

He found this extremely interesting especially the way that it impacts all aspects of human beings. Since then George has furthered his knowledge doing a variety of other courses. 

So let’s see today what expertise George can share with us today. 

Okay George so good to see you again today. Thanks for joining in.

I’ve got to say the pleasure is mine again. Thank you so much for hosting this. Amanda. Well today we decided that we’re going to talk about why choose hypnotherapy you and I both know why we should choose hypnotherapy but for our listeners out there. What’s one of the reasons you think George that somebody should choose hypnotherapy.

Well I’m sure that we’re going to cover a few of them and there are a few very important reasons but what I like to say to my clients is that hypnotherapy is really the original and the best. It has been around for literally since the dawn of man.

It’s been used very successfully and it has and has had many iterations and improvements and modern modernization over the years and in the last hundred years or so it’s really seen the most rapid development in helping people getting a rapid rapid results. Very great results but I don’t know what. Yeah there’s been a lot of back up by science as well.

It’s been a lot of studies to confirm the effectiveness of chemotherapy as well. Yeah absolutely. Absolutely. It started the modern the modern style of hypnosis started around the eighteen sixties where it was used very heavily for help with surgeries helping people getting better after illnesses. And it was only really with the development of anesthetic agents that it went into the background for a little bit that it’s since had a resurgence in the last 30 to 40 years.

And as you said it’s being heavily backed by science anyone can do a google scholar search and find literally hundreds of articles scientific articles from some of the best medical schools and universities showing great results. So hypnosis in many aspects whether it be anxiety depression whether it be healing speak with specific illnesses. Yeah it’s been fantastic.

That’s right. And the beauty about it is that it’s organic. It comes with no medication no in general show no side effects except maybe place at once providing eye care balls. We’re talking about side effects. Of course it needs to be delivered by a trained hypnotherapist. And so that we always make sure that we’re following our ethical guidelines and delivering what we’ve been taught that when we do no harm.

And in that way yes no side effects except I mean pleasant sensations afterwards and hopefully a Pathway to Change for what people coming for let’s try to go we’ll look at that that’s actually a very good point. Hypnosis is even though the whole therapy is considered hypnosis. There are different aspects to it. There are understanding what is the issue.

There’s what we call the hypnotic innduction getting someone into this hypnotic state that we can make the effects that we need but then more importantly is what how we make these effects and how we approach that and how we can deliver them to to the client. And I don’t want to use I’m hesitant using the analogy of a the of a of a coaching of a capsule or a syringe and giving the giving the analogy of injecting into the body.

But hypnosis is both the the way we put it into the person the suggestions but also how we speak that’s the way that we use the therapy and in place to be and help the person with that. And if that’s this incongruity between those who feel that if the therapist isn’t trained properly and doesn’t understand this that’s where things may not go 100 percent yes.

So hypnosis is it’s usually considered an aide to psychotherapy or counseling or another form of therapy because the hypnotic state allows the individual to explore painful thoughts and feelings or memories that they may have hidden from their conscious minds. And it allows people to perceive some things differently.

And when you talk about pain it allows the individual for example to lock an awareness of pain. So it’s like suggestion therapy and I’m saying this because our listeners will be wondering what do we use. And it is in a way suggestive. So the hypnotic state makes a person better able to respond to the suggestions.

So these suggestions are what we use under the right conditions so that some people can change certain behaviors such as stopping their smoking habit or even now biting. It can help people change perceptions and sensations and it’s it’s truly useful in helping with with pain. Would you agree. You’d kind of specialize in that George started some hypnosis helps too and we’ve recovered a bit of this in one of their previous episodes.

It helps to people take take a step back so not not saving it for not experiencing it in the first person they’re able to step back a little bit and put things in perspective in pain for instance isn’t it is it is a very good example that a lot of the pain that people experience chronically is not so much what’s being what’s related to any damage or anything that’s happening right now but a certain memory and expectation depending on what happened in the past.

So by stepping back we can unravel some of that and focus that. There are different parts of the body that are quite healthy and a pain free and not experiencing anything and being able to break down that’s that vicious cycle which is happening which is which is creating the chronic pain if that makes sense. That’s very helpful. Using the healthy path at that moment in that person’s time of life is what we can utilize.

So to answer or to stay on path with why somebody should use hypnotherapy I know that we’ve covered it in a previous episode but basically hypnotherapy it’s a guided relaxation. So there’s one good reason for someone to choose hypnotherapy we know how nice that feels. It’s also accompanied by intense concentration and focused attention to achieve that level of awareness that’s extremely focused.

Also called or termed as trance so the person’s attention is so focused whilst they temporarily block out any external factors that may interfere with how they’re feeling or they can just give themselves permission to ignore it. And therefore once they doing that part we do our part on specific thoughts and tasks.

So one of the reasons that they should consider hypnotherapy is because it can help with anxiety. Isn’t that one of the most problematic issues that people come in with with your clinic even if it’s if they are experiencing pain or ruminating thoughts or some form of trauma. Do you agree that they also accompany this with a certain level of anxiety as well.

Absolutely Amanda. Anxiety is actually the cornerstone to pretty much everything that I see. It creates a certain amount of tension and expectation about what’s happening and what to expect an underrated and unrealistic expectation really because they’re focusing on the negative and there’s the motive. If we take it back a little bit there’s a lot of reasons why the current might be doing that. But it sets them up.

It sets them up for a lot of miserable futures a lot a lot of pain a lot of negative outcomes that don’t necessarily have to be because of this attitude and people don’t understand how powerful that emotion can be and how powerful their outcome can be to to their detriment when they’re taking that and obviously they can’t help it. There’s been a lot of factors that have contributed to it.

But with hypnosis we can scale back we can start unraveling that anxiety and help them with the healing and help them with positive that will give a better outlook for so many aspects of their lives whether it be work related health related relationship related whatever related it works quite well. So there you go.

One of the reasons why someone should choose hypnotherapy is to help them experienced changes in their own sensations because thoughts can also produce sensations in the body or sensations in the body can produce thoughts Hypnotherapy can assist people with a change in perceptions overall thoughts or specific thoughts as well as behaviors. So it’s it’s nice to know that Hypnotherapy can also be used as a holistic approach. It’s not just thoughts.

It’s not just behaviors. So we use it in many areas. There’s many arrows pointing everywhere I guess it’s the suggestions for relaxation and calmness and overall overall well-being it might last just for that session. But the key is that the clients go away having learned how to reactivate that when they needed later on.

So common approaches involve instructions to think about pleasant experiences. Or we use verbal cues to draw them into a trance like state. And it’s these conditions that we create which are like we said free of drug and just purely organic and it’s whilst it’s just done in a very pleasurable way with everybody’s permission that from day we use suggestions to create or to meet their goals whether they’re short term goals or long term goals.

If hypnotherapy is really effective in creating the changes that they need for overall well-being Absolutely. And the incredible thing is also how rapidly this can work. I say quite often the people coming in with chronic pain for instance if you can get them relaxed and get them into that zone for instance in zone of trance and you’re able to break that cycle on the spot.

It’s a very powerful message to the person to the client. They can see that they can actually they can actually reduce significantly or eliminate totally any pain they’re experiencing. So it’s the rapid effects and as you as we’ve spoken before with in previous episodes that this this technique the techniques that we use we’re usually getting very good results only within a matter of a few few visits.

It’s not like traditional psychotherapy where people are going for months and months and years and years. We’re affecting results very quickly and there’s plenty of studies out there that indicate that hypnosis can do this effectively for long periods of time as well. It’s not just for the short term. Basically hypnosis helps you cope with pain and gain more self-control over your pain. That’s what it does. That’s the whole point of it.

It’s like what’s experienced after surgery or from migraines or tension headaches and chronic pain is it’s a real big part. It’s one of the common reasons that people come to seek hypnotherapy of course people with related conditions like arthritis or even cancer sickle cell disease and fibromyalgia. I know you specialize in that as well you have a great interest in that as people come in with lower back pain. If hypnosis provides relief it’s not a cure.

That’s the difference. They know that they’re not coming for a cure. And if they are coming for a cure we set the the facts right and we make sure really realistic expectations are from either end. It’s all about experiencing relief and doing that all by yourself isn’t it a reclaiming your life absolutely and yet another another reason.

Sorry. Sorry. Another reason I think is actually quite important as well is that with traditional there are there are. Last count there were about five hundred different talking therapies we’re talking about. All that all the therapies that have been created in the last 150 years or so were they Freudian or Jiang in or CBT right … and there’s a lot a lot of them also focus on trying to understand where all this came from where it went where the anxieties derived from all the depression and yes some people may may want validation for that.

But the difference with the hypnosis is that we might find out where it’s from. We don’t need the validation we just need to work on it. And so a lot of people they avoid going to therapy because they don’t want to keep talking about it talking about what may have happened when they were younger and certainly we need to acknowledge that. But we don’t have to sit there for very long. We can move on very quickly and help them break through that cycle without re re living those experiences and sitting with those emotions.

And I think that’s a very big difference to what we do to a lot of other therapists to absolutely. We can always encourage our clients to be with whatever they’re experiencing but not be in it. That’s right. That’s that’s the difference. And to be quite honest with my experience some clients they’ve been to counselors and I’m not rubbishing counselors.

I’m a counselor myself but they’ve done that talk therapy they’ve done it they’ve done it and some I’ve heard so many say I don’t really want to say it all again and that’s okay cause with hypnotherapy you actually don’t have to say it all again. You come in with the symptoms that present today which were different five years ago and which may differ again in five years time.

We work with what’s here right now and the resources that you have right now said hypnotherapy I think is a beautiful modality to get clients unstuck from where they are right now. Would you agree with that. Absolutely. That that’s how it works and that’s that’s its major strength as well. That you effect rapid change using what resources the client does have and everyone’s got resources and being able to amplify those bring them into the present and help resolve any issues they have and and create an effective effect the breakout so that they can start living their life again.

As I said reclaim their life. I totally agree. Hypnosis can be a form it’s a relaxation technique actually any can be used for easing anxiety absolutely in of itself. That’s right.

And then can teach the client as well give give the top get the client many different tools to help when if they if they ever experience anxiety for whatever reason again they’ll know how to tackle it better yeah that’s right it using the technique of hypnosis hypnotherapy the client learns by themselves to encourage their body their own body to activate its natural relaxation response which differs and differs in intensity and degree from individual to individual.

That’s why we call it self hypnosis. It’s and we use phrases or non-verbal cues sometimes to slow the breath. Lower blood pressure and just allow them to create an overall sense of well-being. These are the important ingredients when they’re faced with anxious situations or worrisome or or phobic moments or any thoughts that trigger a fear response.

So hypnotherapy. It’s really really useful especially with phobias Absolutely absolutely. Yeah I was going to say was that as you said before all hypnosis is self hypnosis. The only difference is that we act as guides. We help them musing using out what we what our knowledge and our understanding of it and observing the client guide them into that right state into that right spot where we can effect the changes within them.

And you know another good reason to come for hypnotherapy session those clients who have trouble sleeping who experience insomnia out even the ones who sleep on Yeah during that part of the night when they need to unwind yep sure we do our hypnosis session.

They can take home an audio they can listen to the session that we’ve created with them and individual one or a generic one but like we said it’s self hypnosis it’s a tool that they can use all by themselves to improve their quality of sleep or let’s say if they wake through fright or through sleepwalking they can use hypnotherapy to train themselves to wake up when they notice the moment that their feet are about to hit the floor and said that this can help them avoid sleepwalking or somebody who wakes up during the night instead of them doing the usual pattern of oh I’ve just woken and how am I going to get back to sleep.

They retrain themselves to do their own hypnosis session so they can find their relaxation their rhythm and get themselves back to a better quality sleep as well. They’ve done the studies on this and they they have found that those who use self hypnosis before sleep to improve their sleep have changes in their activity on the scans. So again there’s another proven method just by using self hypnosis or just by accepting hypnosis as a modality Absolutely.

And from what you’re saying there Amanda it looks like there’s not much that hypnosis isn’t good for. Well then let’s talk about. So I just want to switch this off. That’s right. We figure these things happen. I was much more prepared than you George and I’ve got mine for the. So I forgot to. Sorry. No that’s okay. It happens. So you’re saying quit smoking.

How many clients come in or choose hypnotherapy for two to quit smoking unfortunately I look at the success rate is phenomenal but unfortunately what I find is that people use hypnosis as their last resort. I’ve been everywhere and they’ve tried the patches and they’ve done this and they’ve done that the they can’t they’ve now stop for a little while. Then I start again and they come as a last resort.

And that’s what I find frustrating because with most of the clients that have come in I’ve reduced or eliminated cigarette smoking in the one visit they have got other issues and we can talk about that there is an anxiety still there’s some other issue happening. So we do get right we get stills or stresses or we get we get amazing changes in the first visit and it’s crazy. And people use still use it as a last resort.

Yeah I think we can reframe that to our benefit. You know that. Well they they’ve exhausted every other avenue. By the time they come to us actually appear ready and fed up with smoking. Yeah. That really ice. Yeah I guess we can say that way. But I must emphasize they must really want to quit smoking. They can’t come because their wife says I have to stop smoking with their boyfriend, to stop smoking or because they think they should or because it cost too much.

That’s good. I actually really wanted to quit smoking. That’s the underlying.. Well that’s a very good point. That’s right. But to be real it’s got to be a real problem for them not for someone else. Yeah and it’s not quite. It’s not that difficult really. I mean like you said it can be out of one session one day unless we choose to do further sessions or … sessions for other reasons as to why they’re smoking, for example stress.

So yes they can find through hypnosis a healthy effective replacement action which they can’t do that having a logical conversation with someone they usually only achieve that and most of that during hypnosis and then they can guide their subconscious mind towards the new way of being rather than smoking. So that’s the simplest way to explain it.

It could be something like well instead of smoking I’m going to take a walk logically or consciously having thought that to themselves they don’t think that that’s good enough yet during a hypnosis session. That’s their plan and that’s what they contract with themselves. And that’s what they end up doing. And the end result is they are no longer smoking. Well that’s true. I mean look logic doesn’t help at all.

I mean if you if you look at on the face value you buy these cigarettes and they’ve got pictures of you know people dying and you know all sorts of ghastly things and you know that doesn’t stop them because you can’t you can’t use logic. And it’s beyond that. It’s got to be inside the person gotta be primordial it’s got to be inside and hit them inside where they it differently. Yes.

That’s that’s what hypnosis does it trained their mind because they allow this to associate smoking with undesirable feelings like bad taste or saying that all tastes like an ashtray or a foul odor from smoke that surrounds them they train their minds during hypnotherapy. And that’s why that’s successful. That’s right. And also when we’re dealing with smoking as well.

There are, so people smoked for different reasons and then and they also smoke at different times of the day for different reasons as well. It might be a habit when they when they wake up and they have to have their cigarette with the coffee for breakfast. They might have cigarette at work. Morning tea you know like around 10 or 11 o’clock because they’re stressed or you know they’re bored or or whatever.

And then in the afternoon there’s different reasons and then there’s also at the end of the day when they might be with their partner after a meal they’ll sit on the balcony and talk or something. You know again is this stuff. So we’ve got to break it up for what reasons do they smoke you know and obviously how many and all that in the history of it. And we start systematically breaking it down for them. And that’s why they’re also we have an advantage because we’re strategic psychotherapists and we know how to do that sort of things for them as well.

Absolutely yeah yeah. Another good thing hypnotherapy weight loss however hypnotherapy doesn’t make you lose weight. I’ve got a number of weight loss tools that I use. One of them happens to be hypnotherapy so hypnotherapy alone isn’t going to make someone lose weight but hypnotherapy is a good reason to come so that you can lose weight because it’s going to help you combine diet and exercise changes.

That’s what it is. Just like with a smoking example that we use that are a logical conversation doesn’t necessarily do it. Same with weight loss when someone needs to lose weight they can sit and wish and hope and dream that they lose weight. But it’s not until that they decide unconsciously they’re going to make changes. That’s when the weight starts to fall off. So model. Absolutely. I always give the example of those shows like The Biggest Loser.

I’ve never watched it. I’ve watched bits and piece of this watch done the commercials for it. I’ve been told a lot about it. You know these programs they select some very out of white people they have the best gym equipment in the world. They have some of the best trainers in Australia.

They have dietitians they have these psychologists motivators they will do this that the minute that and these these people lose weight but the minute that the show’s over the minute that everyone starts going home and the lights are switched off in the studios press people go back to their bad habits again and the studies have shown and you can look it up and I encourage people to look it up. Most of the people they have lost their way after about two to three year period have put on pretty much all the weight they lost. 

A significant number of these people have put on more than what they had lost in the first place. So the reason why people again overeat and don’t exercise and all this stuff is quite complex and what you said before with our strategic psychotherapy we analyze what the reasons are and we can sit down again and work on those.

The only difference with people that and it’s very very successful the only reason the any particular thing that I ought to add with the losing weight is that we do need to do a follow up. I do need to do a follow up with clients every six to eight weeks. Like a like a top up hypnotic hypnosis session just to make sure that they’re on track with their goals and they’re doing well because it is that they can lapse but the results are great anyway they did fantastic.

I agree support needs to be provided afterwards and you need to be available for that kind of support. Thinking back to what you said about the TV show I wonder if they would have considered if they were to redo a show like that. As part of the mental and emotional wellness or change if they would have considered any form of hypnotherapy for their own change so that they can because those shows like you explained all the factors that help them lose weight were all external.

That’s right. Sweet. We need to be internal and in charge for what it’s worth from the inside out. Yeah. Yeah. So really put back in normal conditions if if you’ve had successful hypnotherapy you’ve done internal change work it doesn’t matter where you are or what food is in front of you you are in charge internally. And that’s why you lose weight.

And that’s why you don’t have to battle emotional though. So things just change for you when you do a session on hypnotherapy as opposed to relying on motivation. I think that’s people’s most common mistake not mistake hurdle. Eventually after two days or seven or whenever it is motivation has an expiry as because they’re trying to go on a diet at a conscious level was unconsciously there’s no expiration there.

It’s a lifestyle change. So the results happened to be inevitable. You’re going to lose weight because you’re not eating as much because you don’t feel like eating as much because this you’ve cut the emotional relationship that you have with food or the you’ve changed your relationship with emotions and food. So hypnotherapy does wonders when it comes to weight loss Absolutely.

Again with quite a few things that we touched upon today what you what we were talking about is basically willpower and willpower is overrated. Willpower works for small things and it’s like again I give this analogy of driving with your both feet one foot on the brake and one foot on the accelerator or the gas and you know for a little while the gas is going to override things because it’s the engine’s powerful but after a while it will just give up.

You can’t you can’t do both. You need to turn down the system. You need to get it all working in balance again with a healthy attitude with the right lifestyle choices things like which you will naturally take on. Once everything’s back in balance again and you can’t you can’t you can’t we can’t work on willpower. That’s right. In fact the best say is internal or inner absorption.

That’s where we might change it. And again I say this for the listeners. This is one powerful reason why you should consider hypnotherapy. It’s this focused attention that’s key. It’s not a focus to wish and desire. It’s the attention that you do to yourself all by yourself. So it’s your own skills that you use this is what helps your mind become more powerful.

That’s the difference and might I add as well is that we don’t realize that we’ve got we’ve we’ve I mean we’ve we mentioned resources we we have incredible resources and we have incredible amount of infinite wisdom within ourselves just that we’ve got so much chitchat occurring most the time that we dampen it down and we don’t really access it enough.

And hypnosis offers an opportunity through what we say as therapists for them to unlock a lot of that to say things and access that inner wisdom that a lot of people that everyone has basically and if one can break through. That’s what really is amazing. Well they just navigators were just navigators people once once we set people on course we just get out the way and let them do what they have to do. If that’s the human condition is amazing.

Once it’s unshackled once it’s free from any limitations it’s it’s it’s it’s humbling it’s that incredible the hypnotic state.

It allows the person to be more open to as we’ve said the suggestion and discussion it can improve so many conditions like we’ve we’ve only touched on some phobias these anxiety sleep disorders even depression and low moods stress trauma anxiety again in all its forms grief loss smoking white work stress or on our city streets but it covers almost anything but the one thing I must say that we also must be careful because hypnotherapy is not for absolutely everybody.

A person who has psychotic symptoms like hallucinations delusions or people who are on drugs and alcohol. We don’t. We don’t go there. No. Also the what do you think of any other reasons. There is one other epilepsy so if someone has epilepsy I wouldn’t be doing any hypnotherapy work with them.

But for the general public I would not say drugs or alcohol. That doesn’t mean that if you have a drug or alcohol problem that we don’t. But you can’t be actively taking it whilst …you’re right. Yeah that’s right. Because it makes no sense because then we won’t be able to work with them. Yep that’s fine. And we’re not working with a true genuine self at that particular time. That’s right. It’s not.

So I hope that we’ve provided just a a general overview of why someone should come for a hypnotherapy session while it’s just come to my head as well. It’s also good for focus and attention for university and high school students.

They come and they do hypnotherapy learn techniques…  their mind gaining confidence and it’s just a number of pathways but basically habits. Anything else that you can think of. George. Well actually I was gonna mention that obviously focusing and getting better results at school but also for business as well.

You know a lot of people have to have to perform have to perform multiple roles in business these days and sometimes they lag behind in their ability to focus when they’re doing a lot of computer work for instance so they just study need to complete different modules to different aspects of their work that are required these days. Hypnosis can help create that right. Attention that right focus that will help them achieve their goals as well.

And another one as well that actually came to someone that came to me recently was help with public speaking as well because these days you have to you have to present quite often in front of groups of people. And this this actually is the wife of a friend of mine. She embarked on this career in real estate and she can talk to two or three people in a small group but then if you put her in front of the group of five or six she just she just clams up and she can’t talk so she needed skills she needed help to deal with that as well and I thought that was actually quite interesting.

Yeah it’s quite common hypnotherapy for public speaking hypnotherapy even for procrastination as well you just may be aware of something about that as well. Procrastination for hypnotherapy is such a great someone can be procrastinating and you ask them for how long have you been doing this for four years or they’ll make you say all my life and then no logical conversation from even a teacher or a parent or a colleague all that their partner can get them from stopping that pattern because that’s what it is it’s a behavior pattern.

And yet hypnotherapy is able to do that because they do that all by themselves. So yeah. Hypnotherapy is a really great tool for public speaking and procrastination as well. And sport achievements if they want to as well. Well we can just go on and on. I think I’ll leave it at that. I think both know that we could do that another day a whole topic by itself. That’s right. So for all our listeners thank you for listening.

If you wanted to reach out to George you can find him on help my pain. And I’m Amanda from positive thinking clinic and till next time. Thank you so much George for all of your input, very grateful. Thank you very much for the opportunity. Okay so we’ll see you soon. Bye.

Amanda Dounis

Positive Thinking Clinic

1/7 Magdalene Terrace

Wolli Creek, 2205

0458 850 850



It is important to know that resources are available if you are experiencing anxiety , and exploring other websites, such as mindaustralia, and headspace.  

I welcome you to visit my podcast to learn about anxiety basics.

In any emergency you can always reach out to lifeline.

Help is also available for kids, and support for families too.

You may find my Coping Skills Handbook a great resource.  It teaches kids how to cope with everyday challenges using a simple C.O.P.E. formula.

You can find out more about me on natural therapy pages or psychology today

I am a level 3 member of the Australian Counselling Association and am a member of the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia

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