- Australian Counselling Association (ACA)
- Australian Hypnotherapy Association (AHA)
- Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapy (ASCH)
- Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors (AIPC)
- Australian Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy (AICH)
- Hypnotherapy Council Australia (HCA)
- Institute of Applied Psychology (IAP)
- International Society of Psychotherapists Association (ISPA)
- Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists (GOAH)
- Mental Health Academy (MHA)
- Lifeline (Wesley Mission)
- ACA College of Supervisors (COS)
- Positive Living Skills (PLS)
- Peaceful Kids
- Banbury Cottage CCC
- Little Dolphins CCC
- Rainbow Cottage CCC
- Babyland CCC
- Child Care Centre Desktop
- CELA – Community Early Learning Australia
- Transformation Academy