THE DIVORCE TANGO: WELLBEING COPARENTING PATHWAY. It is so important to be able to co parent after divorce so that kids involved can have the opportunity for happy and healthy parenting...
THE DIVORCE TANGO: WELLBEING COPARENTING PATHWAY. It is so important to be able to co parent after divorce so that kids involved can have the opportunity for happy and healthy parenting...
DISCUSSING NLP: NEUROLINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING. Such a great technique which provides fast and effective therapy. Listen to two experts discuss the power of NLP...
WHY CHOOSE HYPNOTHERAPY? Well its a natural, organic and safe delivery of therapy. It can help with depression, anxiety, habits and much more...
WHAT DO YOU BRING TO A RELATIONSHIP? We need to see our contributions to what we bring ourselves instead of expecting too much of others. Two exerts discuss....
THE DRAMA CYCLE: DONT GET STUCK: Its so important to be aware of the struggle within the cycle of victim, rescuer, perpetrator. The best way out is to become the observer....
PROCRASTINATION AND ITS PARTS. There are parts to how we procrastinate and parts to how we do not procrastinate. ...
COUPLES RELATIONSHIPS: KNOCKDOWN AND REBUILD. Why renovate your relationship, when it needs a total rebuild. Communicate and move forward. This is a great talk between two experts....
YOUR AMAZING MIND: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOUR BRAIN AND YOUR MIND? Your brain and your mind are not the same. Your brain is an organ and your mind is the part that ‘thinks’. They are and both necessary for your existence...
Couples relationships and communication. What an important topic. Couples communicate in many ways, and there is often miscommunication. Watch the you tube for a great conversation from the view of two experts....
WHEN TEENS HAVE BROKEN HEARTS: they are truly vulnerable and delicate. It can cause all sorts consequences. Confusion, low self esteem, low confidence and much more. Support is what our teens need most, and a sense of self love and acceptance. ...