
MY CALM PLACE This activity combines yoga, meditation, mindfulness and guided imagery activities to soothe emotions and promote self-regulation in children.There are 4 categories to choose from:Movement cards consist of yoga poses and low impact exercises to relax and recharge the inner and outer self.For Example: Starfish: While standing, extend your Arms and...

BUILDING STRENGTHS IN KIDS Building strengths for kids involves a simple message:   All children deserve to be recognised and celebrated for their strengths.   Strengths help children learn, grow and become the best they can be.  Children thrive with encouragement; they blossom when their strengths and efforts are noticed. Focus on what kids can...

QUIT SMOKING PROGRAMWelcome to the quit smoking information pack.This read is intended for the reader to become absorbed in the “hot” topics that surround smoking.The QUIT SMOKING PROGRAMTwo sessions:Session 1: I get to know your individual smoking behaviours and triggers, while helping you reframe and build a powerful mindset with...

Did you know that Hypnotherapy can be useful even when you cant find a purpose for it???That's right.  Did you know that you can use Hypnosis to help remind you of your own resources.  Yep, those resources you possess that you don’t need right now but you may need one...

SOMETIMES I FEEL AFRAID… We all get scared sometimes. Fear can be good for you sometimes.  It can even keep us healthy. How? Well if you get too close to a cliff, you will get scared and step back and this will keep you safe! I bet you didn’t see it that way did...

Do you want to start losing weight right now?  Tried many diets?  Ever tried HYPNOBAND - a virtual guided imagery of a gastric band?  Its work for others, why wouldn't it work for you?BE THE NEW SLIMMER YOUA new you starts here with the Hypno-Band Weight Loss System.  It is...