
THE POSITIVE THINKING CLINIC OFFERS A SPECIALISED PROGRAM PERSONAL SKILLS FOR KIDS TO COVER THE FOLLOWING AREAS: 6 step program:Focus on the Positives in your lifeOpportunities for appreciation and being grateful.Considering the great things you see and do, and the great times you spend with others.  Noticing magical moments.This involves other people,...

BULLYING…DO YOU KNOW THE BASICS?In recent times I have been holding some workshops on bullying and resilience.My aim is to educate and equip kids; teach them what it is, what we need to do, how to deal with situations etc.  Knowledge is power.  Knowledge also helps reduce feelings of anxiety.I...

TEST /PERFORMANCE ANXIETY… WHAT YOU CAN DO!Anxiety is a feeling you get when you expect something stressful to happen.Focusing on bad thoughts can make you feel real worried.   A small dose can actually be helpful: It can keep you sharp and focused. But when symptoms are so strong that you cannot function...

TALKING ABOUT FEELINGS Get to know your feelings:Name how you feel Think why you feel that way Put it together into wordseg.. I feel nervous because I have a math test tomorrowNow pick someone to talk toJust by having a chat with someone, telling them how you feel and why,...

SOMETIMES I FEEL AFRAID… We all get scared sometimes. Fear can be good for you sometimes.  It can even keep us healthy. How? Well if you get too close to a cliff, you will get scared and step back and this will keep you safe! I bet you didn’t see it that way did...

HEY KIDS, HERE’S HOW TO MAKE YOUR WORRY FADE  We all worry, but imagine you have a strategy ready to reduce most of your worries real fast.I also want you to know, not all worry is bad.  Sometimes its important to worry a little so we can make an effort to...

BE A GOOD SPORTSMAN Play clean, handle victory and defeat with style and dignity. Sportsmanship is an attitude which can influence others around you.  It takes maturity and courage. Have you ever paid attention to the amount of games that have been lost due to “unsportsmanlike behaviour”?  Just look at the number of...

Do you want to start losing weight right now?  Tried many diets?  Ever tried HYPNOBAND - a virtual guided imagery of a gastric band?  Its work for others, why wouldn't it work for you?BE THE NEW SLIMMER YOUA new you starts here with the Hypno-Band Weight Loss System.  It is...

THE “CAR” IN YOUA wonderful resource that I use really helps individuals get to know themselves and what they need to do for themselves.This resource is from Deal and Honey (St Lukes Innovative Resources) and I’m so glad I came across it.  I use it mostly with teens and young...