Yoga and Mindfulness for teens is different to yoga and mindfulness for children.
Children are usually really happy to “play” with the experiences offered.
Teens sometimes bring a little resistance with them. But when they don’t … wow they really unlock and engage so well.
AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SESSION I usually start with getting our teens to find their yoga position. They are given options and can find what suits them.
DURING THE SESSION, I choose from:
- Feeling confident /releasing nervous energy
- Engaging compassion, and
- Grounding in the present
Each of these 3 topics contain the 5 important elements of:
- Relax. Here the mind and body rests and restores.
- Focus. Noticing what the mind is working on, strengthening focus and manage distractions.
- Breathe. Different ways to use and explore the breath, and the way it impacts energy and emotions.
- Connect. Connecting to feelings and thoughts, to the world, and to other people.
- Move. Build strength, balance and flexibility, exploring what the body is capable of, and developing personal power.
AT THE END OF THE SESSION I also get them to end with a nice relaxation.
For variety, there are also 6 quick group and partner activities.
Group and partner activities help teens connect with others and explore ways to get to know each other and have fun. Some activities involve questions or suggestions to follow.
These activities are namely:
- Back to back breathing and lounge chairs
- Peaceful partner warriors
- Boat pose ball pass
- Human knot
- Meet and greet
- Cross the line
Some recommended sequences that I like to get teens to explore, involve a combination of the 5 important elements mentioned above. They include;
- Grounding in the present moment
- Engaging in compassion
- Feeling confident /releasing nervous energy
Teens tend to really enjoy such experiences and as a bonus discover better relationships with themselves, and others. They also improve their focus, relaxation and concentration skills. This is a great advantage not just for school academics but also for sports performance. Its all about gaining control and a new way to connect with one self. With kindness and compassion.
May all our teens have the opportunity to grow within…