


The aim is to help children embrace their full potential.

At the Positive Thinking Clinic I use a variety of activities to support children (whether individual, group, or workshop conditions).  This practice is also extended to our child care centres.

Participating in such activities, children learn to support their health and well-being.  They are also left feeling empowered and with a better ability to move through many stressors in their life without becoming overwhelmed.

Activities involve:

  • Breathing with the heart and belly
  • Feeling strengths
  • Being in the present moment
  • Managing anxiety
  • Finding compassion
  • Getting in touch with feelings
  • Relaxing and restoring
  • Identifying thoughts

Such activities serve as a toolkit for kids as they connect, breath, move, focus and relax.


  1. Children benefit as they connect to their own feelings and thoughts, to the world, and to people around them.
  1. Children learn different ways to use their breath and explore its impact on their energy levels and emotions.
  1. Children move to build strength, balance and flexibility.  They realise what their body is capable of, and develop their own personal power.
  1. Children engage in activities that help them notice what their mind is working on.  They also strengthen their focus and learn to manage distractions easier.
  1. Children also find the opportunity to rest their mind and body, thus allowing it to restore.

Why use Yoga and Mindfulness?

Teaching children to become more connected to their own experience, can help them make better choices about how to care for themselves and how to respond to the world around them.

Yoga and Mindfulness for children is also used during various workshops.

For example:

  • Managing Anxiety  [Anxiety Workshop]
  • Relaxing and Restoring [Anger Workshop]
  • Grounding in the Present [Self Compassion and Mindfulness Workshop]
  • Feeling my Strength [Bullying /Resilience Workshop]
  • Powering Up [Bullying /Resilience Workshop]
  • Engaging my Compassion [Self Compassion and Mindfulness Workshop]

Each of the above mentioned 6 themes consist of approximately 8-10 activities which cover the five elements of connecting, breathing, moving, focusing and relaxing.

The kids have a great time as its such an interactive experience and they are always doing something exciting.