Positive Thinking Clinic is offering personalised and online sessions for getting HSC ready. Use your mindset and HSC.
Is it time to create your study plan?
Time to get on top of your assessments and schedule?
Reflect on your previous performance and create a plan to improve: mindset and HSC?
Let go of procrastination, and get moving.
If you choose to study, then study, don’t sit there and be unproductive. Remember your mindset and HSC. Create it now.
Stay up to date, this is important for your mental state.
Create a proper time table and schedule in your study as well as your fun time and rest time. Some kids think its important only to schedule in when assessments are due. It is important to schedule in when study for these assessments and exams are to take place too. This part is critical.
You might now know what you are going to do next year (and you might not), but you do know what you are going to do over the next few months. Now narrow that down to your goal. Let’s say, that’s all you need to focus on now.
You are more than the ATAR. Next year you won’t define yourself from your ATAR.
You are defined by the human that you are. Remember this.
If you want to get your mindset on the right track, you should remind yourself of your strengths, the areas you need to improve on (you can call them weaknesses if you like), look at your opportunities that surround you, and then open your eyes to what might block or stop your progress /motivation.
If you want a good mindset, it’s not going to just come and visit you. It needs the right conditions to be at its best.
You need to get some good sleep. Around 8 hours is good. Don’t rob yourself of sleep.
You should exercise. You may be in a sports team already, or you may be the type who enjoys a walk. Sunshine and fresh air does wonders. So go and wonder and you will discover.
Hydration is very important. Drink water. Plan for it. This means carry a bottle, and keep a bottle on your desk. So do what you need to so that you can drink around 1.8L per day.
Healthy food my friends, it’s absolutely important to feed your brain.
Regular meals and a balance is important.
All this is part of creating mindset.
You didn’t think that mindset was just about the mind did you? It’s created and influenced by everything that you are surrounded by.
So go ahead and get your stuff sorted.
If you feel. you need the support of an experienced nutritionist get a referral. You can find out more about what a nutritionist can do for you here. Mirela has helped many individuals get on track with their nutrition. She can support you and she can refer you on. Contact her for a free consultation.
Regular showers serve as a great break. Make yourself feel clean and fresh. This helps with mindset
Do fun things, and you will realise the importance of this later on in life. Connect with others, make the time to socialise.
Clear your bedroom, clear your study area.
I’m going to say “you don’t need motivation, you need mindset”
So create it.
Just do it, leave behind ‘should’, and ‘I wish’
DEVICES….You probably have already been drilled about screen time, and this blog is not about that. And so you’re off the hook.
PLAN: Mindset and HSC
Start with a pen and paper and create a plan. Create your mindset.
Its a short amount of time, it’s for a matter of weeks /months, so don’t blow it out of proportion.
A relaxing hypnotherapy session can teach you to reduce stress, and have a clear focus.
You can also use NLP techniques to help get rid of fears and to improve memory.
There are a whole bag of apps out there to help you get through difficult times, and to keep calm, so use them. Explore them.
There are podcasts and lots of resources out there, you just need to research them.
If you would like a therapy session whether face to face or online, do get in touch and allow yourself to have your best HSC experience. Remember it’s only one time. So do your best.
I can teach you a whole bunch of necessary techniques that you need to master before taking your exams.
If there’s gaps in your knowledge, fill them.
Ask for help, do the research.
Review study notes (actively) and do past papers (in exam conditions)
I will teach you how to deal with stress using sleep, exercise, sunshine, healthy food, water, managing exams, and more.
And so that you don’t feel totally lost, you will learn how to evaluate our subjects to see where you are at and where you need to go. This evaluation will give you a true assessment followed up with confidence that you know which path to take.
I’m not your tutor, I’m your mental wellness therapist. Without mental wellness you may struggle to progress. Mental wellness moves you forward fast. So please look after your mental wellness and reach out if you need to.
Book in for a session if you want to work on your mindset right now.
Be kind to yourself and others. What I mean is, It can be stressful so don’t teach your brain that during stress you become a monster. Practice your best self.
https://amandadounis.podbean.com to follow my podcast
www.headspace.org.au for more information and resources
Amanda Dounis
Positive Thinking Clinic
1/7 Magdalene Terrace
Wolli Creek, 2205
0458 850 850